Cali has blistering heat; hitting 120 degrees in Palm Springs this week when Summer officially starts Sunday, June 20th! Its Hot yawl.

DWP gave its first flex warning for 2021 alerting us of a power shortage due to the excessive heat wave running all week. And we are still charging people for solar panels. We waste so much money on BS, why not give out some free panels. Keep those Universal City Walk tickets for getting the Covid vaccination and give out some solar energy instead. Hum.

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Michelle Johnson
LA County set to reopen with nearly all restrictions lifted. Hum. Only public transportation, hospitals, and possibly theme parks will mandate a mask.

So we are going on the honor system; trusting that people Not wearing a mask have gotten their vaccination. Hum. Really that’s what you doing? These are the same folks who use the rhythm method for birth control. Yea right I’m going to trust you got your shot. I now have an assortment of mask to choose from within my collection and I think I’ll continue to rock mine for a while longer.

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Michelle Johnson
Our California EDD sucks to the MFn 10th power.

Where do I begin with the fukery that is taking place in Cali and the millions that are unemployed due to the Covid monster that is ravishing our state. EDD has been in bed with Bank of America for over 10 years paying them to distribute unemployment funds. This billion dollar company; B of A opted to provide millions of compromised ATM bank cards rendering the unemployed cardholder Hella vulnerable to becoming a victim of fraud. And this is just the beginning of this fukery.

Bank of America has frozen 344,000 debit cards and counting due to fraud with no real solution in sight, just freeze the account to stop their bleeding. Screw the unemployed. Right now its about saving their coin. Perhaps a security chip in the MF debt card would have sufficed. Hum

Another $810 million in benefits was paid out to the names of 45,000 prison inmates, and these jokers still have a job. Wow-wee.

EDD has hired 900 additional employees just this month to help with the fraud and more than likely none of these MF have been properly screened and background checked. Recycling criminals while we wait for our coin.

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Michelle Johnson
Today is National Freedom Day, but are we really free to do as others?

To-date we have Nurses; Hometown Heroes, Homeless and sleeping in their cars. We have Nurses who have fallen ill most likely from Covid and now find themselves unemployed and unable to keep their roof over their heads. This is another WTF tragedy. Today should any nurse have to pay for medical treatment knowing they are risking their lives exposing themselves to this unknown disease? Why aren’t there any protective measures in place to literally shield our First Line workers? No one speaks of or shares any kind of news update on how this Covid is ravishing our Hospital Staff. Are these workers free? If they walk out due to fear of dying they are fired for sure. If they call in because they feel really sick, they are most likely to meet some repercussions for their actions. Most nurses are minorities. Hum. Are we really free?

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Michelle Johnson
Still processing the loss of Kobe and all that happened in the months that followed.

So much emotion filled the air last year this time as we received the tragic new of Kobe’s death. It seemed as though the universe had changed and this terrible accident somehow had launched a worldwide of unprecedented events to consume the entire 2020 year.

This year as I reflect on our loss and the unexpected wave of the Mamba Mentality Kobe unleashed globally was surreal to witness, especially here in Cali. LeBron clearly touched by the Kobe Angel set the tone and raised the bar on making a difference and carrying that Mamba torch. I see fathers all around me stepping up their parenting and cultivating their seeds. Hallelujah

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Michelle Johnson
DTLA now

DTLA has always been a question of attraction. However with Kobe and the Lakers housed in the Staple Center I could overlook so much.

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Michelle Johnson
We have to watch from the window in hopes of a new day.

The Catastrophic Covid 19 from a windows view feels like an episode from the X files. Scary and uncertain.

There is an evil mist lurking in the air.

Now months have comes and gone and it does seem like the world is passing you by…sometimes. But then sometimes the house feels so safe protected as I watch a WTF moment unfold right before my eyes on TV. And then I say, we need to stay inside a bit longer as this monster plays out. There is no need to rush to this virus.

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Michelle Johnson
Bringing in the New Year with Bundles of Joy

Bringing in the New Year with a Bundle of Joy is a Tall order in Cali with this Pandemic pulverizing our state by the minute. The hurdles for the mother and the unimaginable gauntlet of trying to transition herself and child in and out of medical facilities attempting to get care during the baby’s crucial first year, when the world can see daily the overwhelming exertion consuming our medical staff and all their front line support.

New roads have to be paved in order to safeguard our little ones being delivered daily during this pandemic. What research is even being considered in regards to babies as we fail to keep up with the daily devastation. Now is the time to educate yourself on home care and do everything you can to stay healthy; mind body and soul for your bundle of joy.

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Michelle Johnson
2021 A New Day. No More Compromise, no more BS, no more charades.

We meet them everyday; that person who for some twisted reason believes you should “perform” a certain way to please them, or better yet, to make them feel at ease. Hum. This is definitely the corporate way of thinking. Hum. I thought the “art of Tap dancing” was a thing of the past. But we are still tap dancing, aren’t we?

Last year we experienced some horrific, tragic shit. And then we saw so many people reveal themselves. People we had no idea harboring such evil, hateful views about every variety of human beings. It’s been a shock to our souls.

Well, my New Years Resolution is to really give you 110% of me. I think anyone with a good heart, compassion, joyful, and loving should bring it to you fully without reservation. What are we waiting on? 2020 let you tomorrow is not guaranteed, so spread your wings and fly high in 2021 like a Phoenix out of our burning ashes. Live everyday like we are given a new opportunity to share yourself with someone.

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Michelle Johnson
Serena on British Vogue - "underpaid (and) undervalued" as a Black woman in tennis

As I appreciate the article, I can’t help but wonder why Serena does not express herself publicly now that there is support and a platform to do so.

I continue to look for some collaboration with a California colleague like Kendrick Lamar, Regina King, someone bringing it in Cali during this crazy ass time. What popped off that you fled Cali? We want to know, as we love you and want a better understanding.

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Michelle Johnson
Today is Financial Awareness Day

Covid 19 is like the old school Cracker Jacks (which sounds super racist as I type this) where you don’t know what is in the surprise! Meaning you could drop at any minute, and you ain’t prepared. Get your shit together.

When we need a go-fund-me page for burials. We don’t have our shit together.

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Michelle Johnson

HISTORY should not be hidden like it is not real. Sadly so many people have fucked up views simply because they were not educated about the real shit that went down, goes down and so forth. We have too many WTF moment in our education regarding History. There is no reason to continue to serve up the same old BS. Now is the time to re-evaluate what textbooks are being circulated in our classrooms to address this other quiet virus ravishing our youth. We see first hand this generational crisis can cultivate a monster in our WH.

January 1, 1980 Juneteenth became a holiday. I was never told this in any school setting. Never. Not even in my African American studies class at my local Ju-Co. Hum.

In the late 1970s when the Texas Legislature declared Juneteenth a "holiday of significance, it became the first state to establish Juneteenth as a state holiday. The bill passed through the Texas Legislature in 1979 and was officially made a state holiday on January 1, 1980.

I do believe if we offer some real history beyond the BS stories served up in classrooms we would reduce the number of radical racist roaming the streets.

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Michelle Johnson
Of all the options, knowing what we know, why Starbucks?

I am often tested when gifted with one of these gift cards. I can not use this shit. Nor can I re-gift it.

Pay attention who you uplift with your precious coin. Be selective. Hell, do some homework. If this is a place you plan to frequent often, should they not value you as a customer? HUM. Many of you are loyal patrons to business owner who have special names for you once your dollars is secure in their register.

Again, when the establishment kicks your black, or brown, or yellow, or gay ass out or better yet calls the police to cap your ass, why continue to offer and support an entity that wishes you harm???

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Michelle Johnson
Compton Cowboys came out to represent BLM

My first introduction to a horse was in CPT. As a child my dad would take me to Compton to see the horses, the ranches and enjoyed sharing his hood-history. Being in the burbs, I definitely miss this culture.

It’s been a minute since I seen the Compton Cowboys; the MLK parade in January, I think. Very nice to see the beautiful sisters out representing.

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Michelle Johnson
Back to the Beach.... Cali's Therapy

Like most things in the time of Covid-19, rules governing beach access, use and safety change frequently and likely to differ depending on your your beach. We are drawn to the ocean, the waves, the tranquility it brings. But today we take it all in at a 6 feet distance.

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Michelle Johnson