Dispair does not discriminate. How do we cope when the reaper comes calling at Christmas?

Some people say pray?  Some say pray to who?  Sometimes, times like this you may feel doubt, so pray to you. A prayer meditation let’s say.   Pray for peace in your mind and peace in your heart.  Pray for the ability to move on with faith. And pray for the ability to remember the knowledge and gifts that was shared before your love one passed on to new endeavors. And be OK with submerging yourself in the love ones surrounding you, as they were placed to help you along this journey. This has been a trying year with a tremendous amount of losses. 

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Michelle Johnson
This is some twisted reincarnation of the stories my grandmother use to tell me about as a child, WTF.

Dreadlocks vs. Dreadful experience?   I guess racist don’t stop for the holidays.  Christmas is about the gift of giving.  What is this referee AKA the Grief Reaper giving?  I see this young man came out victorious despite the BS presented to him minutes before his competition.

So, on that note, keep on giving it to them bro.  Talk about trying to break your spirit. Throw off your Chi, your concentration. Just fudging up your focus. Not today Warrior. Light and bright, let them know what you are made of.  The precise date and origin of the hairstyle is unknown, however dreads dates back from 5000 BCE to 1500 BCE and yet this bigot felt the need to raise up about this young man’s hair.

My grandfather would say, “it just takes a drop of African and you are born a Warrior whether you like it or not.” You wear it well.    Victory prevails.  

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Michelle Johnson
No Stopping Anytime.

No Stopping Anytime. Even though it is the morning before Christmas, Cali gets it in. And why not? Look at this glorious morning. Get it in early and there is not guilt for the indulgence to come.

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Michelle Johnson
Today is National Egg Nog Day......Some say I'll pass.

National Eggnog Day is observed once a year on the day before Christmas.  Eggnog AKA milk punch is a very popular drink during the winter holidays. Eggnog is a sweetened dairy-based beverage that is traditionally made with milk and cream, sugar, whipped eggs and spices.  When served at holiday get-togethers, liquor is often added to make this milky punch tasty such as brandy, rum and my choice; Makers Mark. Despite the tradition, most of my bros don’t like this creamy concoction. Yet, year after year I receive a bottle of Eggnog. I however have been raised to believe that it is distasteful not to appreciate all gifts, so what do you do with the bottles of Nog?  I’ll tell you what, you make French Toast, thickly sliced served with warm buttery syrup and then you invite over a neighbor or two.  

Merry Christmas

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Michelle Johnson
Food that warms your heart more than your belly.

For me it is my Shu’s peach cobbler.  The smell that fills the house takes me back to my childhood when my grandmother was physically with me. This morning when I smelled the peaches and brown sugar it’s like lighting a candle and silently connecting with an Angel who watches over me. My senses are awake and my home feels like a cathedral with calmness all around me.  

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Michelle Johnson
Holiday reunions. A time to reconnect and recharge.

Many of my bros are abroad handling their business in other states, so the holidays are the only time they come home to Cali and catch-up face to face. Trust that if time was willing, we’d hit the streets trying to get it all in. But this year seems rushed and time is like sand in my hands.   So instead we stay up all night at my haven, chilling, laughing, eating, drinking, and enjoying the tree. Cheers!

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Michelle Johnson
To tree or not to tree?

The National Christmas Tree Association says farmers will be shipping far fewer trees this year. The recession in 2008 caused many farmers to plant much fewer saplings. Since it takes eight or nine years for a tree to mature, we're seeing the effects of the recession now.  The history of Evergreen trees featured in our living rooms as a part of our Christmas celebration is hard to trace. We have stray references, particularly from the later middle ages, but their popularity exploded only in the 19th century.  Alternatively, decorate your house with beautiful candles, no electricity!  Bowls filled with pine cones and cranberries a plenty of nuts sets the tone!

This Christmas season I went with an artificial tree.  I like to put the tree up during the Thanksgiving weekend and hang on to it thru the New Year, a bit of a challenge with a fresh tree.   This year Cali is celebration our 1-year anniversary of a different kind of tree.

Happy Holidays  

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Michelle Johnson
I believe an Angel was sent to me. Oddly, this Angel is Vegan.

A Vegan and a lover of all things natural. For me, if a Fat Burger wasn’t near $15.00 a pop, I’d be there weekly; Double King Chili Cheese. And if it is after 1am, drop an egg on it.  If you haven’t, you must try it.  Nonetheless, what’s up with my Vegan Angel?  If, I had to kill it, if I had to work where the animals are farmed, I’d starve. We all know our meat is tortured and toxic, yet most can’t commit to banning our meateries. Thoughts of no Fat Burger, Wood Ranch, Johnnies Pastrami, and Brent’s Deli for that Black Pastrami Reuben. Today, I got to have it. What path will my Vegan Angel led me down? TBA 

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Michelle Johnson
What do the lonely do at Christmas

I used to think that when I saw someone who appeared to be lonely, that this person did not have anyone in their life.   I later discovered that many who are lonely at this time of the year are lonely for loves one who have passed on. And it is at this time of the year that reminds them of all the good things they miss about a special person and perhaps regrettable recaps of all the good things they should have done when we had those love ones with us.   Continue to do good things and those love ones will celebrate with you. Cheers!  

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Michelle Johnson
Time Conscious Seasonal Dreads

Entering the month of November, there is a mental backpack we tend to strap on telling us to prepare for the daunting task of overcrowded shopping all the way thru the month of December. Why? As I stand here with my coffee and Lemon Pistachio Old Fashion in hand. I am kind of content just sitting here and taking in some of the natural greenery opposed to giving out my hard-earned green. Hum.  

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Michelle Johnson
How to thrive when you are surrounded by crap.

How to thrive when you are surrounded by crap. Like this portable potty, the crap can follow you throughout your sphere. Focus on the good. Focus on the immediate things I can address with me, what’s going on in my life. And when I do, I then begin to feel like Mr. Clean with marvel powers to at least be able to wash off the crap from underneath my shoes. Then I am back to thriving feeling wild and free like this succulent.   

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Michelle Johnson
Captivated with his excellence.

I want the desire and ability to paddle myself around on a lake and enjoy a beautiful day when I am this gentleman’s age. It is a windy day and the current is a little rough on an ocean-like tip, where I can feel the burn in my limbs as I press against the water to cruised across the lake. Yesterday it rained, and the park was filled with all types of wildlife, yet I was completely captivated with his excellence.

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Michelle Johnson